free of charge neutral label vs. association licence-fee label

The difference between
  1. association labels
  2. neutral label
is as follows:
  1. the association labels document the compliance to natural cosmetics standards and addition advertise the label in the market (at least Natrue and COSMOS).
  2. neutral labels do not make much advertise for the label, but seriously certify compliance with natural cosmetic standard (neutral standard covering all properties, but not mentioning any industy association in the standard)
A neutral label is the fast and sheapest way to show the market, that your products comply. The association label are more expensive and advertise seems not to be too successfull at all.
We cannot grant you an association label like Natrue or COSMOS, because we only represent the
  • natural alliance of natural cosmetic producers and trading companies
But you pay nothing, to receive license to use our label and you do not pay membership fee for an industry association.

We welcome you, to learn more about a

  • free of licence charge
  • fast and lean cost certification-procedure
  • simple application
  • conform with international labels
  • organic and natural cosmetics label.

Please do not hesitate, to contact us here